Most High, Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of our minds. Give us a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect charity, so that we may always and in all things act according to Your Holy Will. Amen.
But when one day the Gospel, how Christ sent forth His disciples to preach, was read in that same church, the Saint of God who was present and had got some inkling of the Gospel words, after the solemnities of Mass had been celebrated, humbly begged the priest to explain the Gospel to him. And when the priest had set forth to him all things in order, St. Francis hearing that Christ's disciples ought not to possess gold, silver, or money, not to carry on their way script, wallet, bread or staff, not to have shoes, or two tunics, but to preach the Kingdom of God and repentance, straightway he cried, exulting in the spirit of God, "This is what I wish, this is what I, am seeking, this I long with all my inmost heart to do." (Thomas of Celano, First Life of Saint Francis)