Our Vows
Francis and Clare strove for humility and minority. They rejected the seductions of power, position, and status. We vow poverty, chastity and obedience seeking to place these evangelical counsels into a contemporary expression (simplicity, fidelity, humility).
The vow of poverty (simplicity) reminds us that God’s love is uncomplicated and unconditional. We strive to live simply as an expression that God and God’s love are enough to sustain, nurture, challenge, and bring us to fullness. We know that possessions are only tools. We endeavor to avoid materialism and the accumulation of wealth, power and status. Poverty assists us in our approach to others: we strive to be open to others and believe that all is a gift from God and to be cherished. We strive to own nothing that stands between us, God and our neighbor.
The vow of chastity (fidelity) reminds us that God is faithful in love. This vow centers itself on God’s love. We in turn aim to respond to this love by being faithful to the loves that God has placed in our lives. We want our love to be marked by gentleness, mutuality, respect, and dignity. Chastity is expressed in treating another person in a way that honors their person and the Christ within them. We renounce promiscuity and casual indifference. We will not use others for our own selfish gain, desire or pleasure. The vow of Chastity also guides those who wish to be celibate as is appropriate with their status in life.
The vow of obedience (humility) reminds us that God is within and without us. Obedience calls us to listen for God in the beauty of creation, and the hearts of our companions, and those we serve. We aim to approach the world with open hearts and humility. We try to never be so full of ourselves that we cannot listen to others. We desire to place others needs before our own. We seek to avoid arrogance and entitlement. We believe that in community we can rely on the many ears of our family to help us discern God’s will in our lives. Obedience opens us to hear God in all manners of life and in this we develop the spirit of hospitality.