Sr. Judy Kenyon uses her skills as a needleworker to make items for others.
Sr. Judy writes, “I have always been drawn to making things for others. When I was younger I made clergy vestments, Eucharistic linens and altar hangings, choir vestments, banners and other items for newly ordained clergy or religious who could not afford these items or churches who needed these things but could not afford to buy them.
I was delighted when I became a Franciscan to learn that St. Clare is the patron saint of needleworkers. I was right at home. Today, I am focusing on individual items for those in need. I make 11 inch knitted teddy bears for Seattle Children's hospital to be given out to the children who are receiving care. Until COVID I was able to bring each bear to the altar for a healing service to be held and blessed before sending them to the children. Now, I can not send them because of COVID. I still make them and pray I will be able to bless and send them soon.
Recently, I have been knitting hats for Br. Donald’s homeless ministry (in New Orleans, LA) which brings me great joy as I pray for the person who will be receiving the hat. This is a small thing but I feel connected to St. Clare and her Sisters as I work.”
Much appreciated hats and gloves for homeless sisters and brothers.