Brother Alasdair writes…
I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes. (Matthew 25:35)
Life at Wyke Regis Rectory has seen some changes since May. When Br Alasdair and his wife Nicky saw the plight of Refugees leaving Ukraine, they realised that they needed to open their home and invite a family to live with them. Little did they know the process would be so rapid as Alasdair got a call one day to say a young Refugee Mother and Child had been made homeless late at night with nowhere to live. They were put into emergency accommodation for four days. In that time, Alasdair asked for donations to turn his Chapel in the Rectory into a home for a mother and baby. He was so blessed that members of the Community of Francis and Clare sent money to help him buy a new bed and bedding
In the Centre of the Chapel in the Rectory is a figure of Our Lady with Jesus in her Arms. Very often as Franciscans the word must become flesh and literally live amongst us, (John 1: 14). Iana and Boghdan have now been living with Br Alasdair and his wife Nicky for nearly 3 months. It is lovely to have a little baby around and we have sought to not just provide Iana with lodging, but a family and a home. Within Br Alasdair’s Parish there are now over 50 Ukrainian Refugees and the Children attend the School where he is Chaplain. He has been able to provide other help in terms of helping them have places to meet as a Community and to support them with days out during the summer holidays.