
Formation is a lifelong process and is a progressive and transformative journey into a way of life that is centered on Jesus and his Gospel. (CFC, II.9)

Formation Groups

Professed 1

Sr Judy (Companion)

Br Alberto

Br Mark

Sr Karen

Sr Stacy K.    

Professed 2

Br Emmanuel (Companion)

Br Luis H.

Br Joe

Br Brave

Sr Anna

Professed 3

Br Vaughan (Companion)

Br Jimmy H.

Br John-Paul

Br Carlos I.

Br Luis R.  

All Professed are invited to the join the Franciscan Spirituality Group

Meets the Third Tuesday of the Month - refer to the Community Calendar for times and Zoom links)

Br Bob F. (Facilitator)

Novice 1A

Br Joe (Companion)

Br Andrew Michael

Br Millard

Br Cristian

Br Walt


Novice 1B

Br Fred (Companion)

Sr Laura

Br Marius Emmaus

Br Gabriel

Sr Susan

Br Joshua


Sr Debbie & Sr Vanessa (Companions)


Carlos F.


John S.

Novice 2

Br Bob F.(Companion)

Sr Ishmael

Sr Annette

Br Terry

Br Richard

Br Daniel


Br Steve (Companion)


Formation Assignments

  • Access the assignments HERE.

  • Access the assignments HERE.

  • Access the assignments HERE.

  • Access the assignments HERE.

  • CLICK HERE to get latest assignment.